Hello, everyone!
Welcome into Maria Rizzo's art studio.
Below are two paintings I'm working on.
The one on the left is called "Green Lakes" and the other one is called "City Tree".
After months of not painting, I finally had a day to create and focus on the new piece (City Tree).
What a feeling! I can't describe the happiness I've felt to be able to focus on a painting, again.
The first stage was to block in all the values using only layers of black and white paint.
This strategy helped me see the values of the objects more easily, because I didn't have to worry about their hues. Painting this way makes the process much easier!
I'm thinking to go back to my Green Lakes piece and use this technique to finish those parts that I've been having some problems with.
I've been working on this piece for a while now and it needs a lot of work on the grassy area in the foreground, as well as the leaves on the right.
I am confident that, using black and white layers on those parts will help me finish this painting once for all!
These pieces will be included in a three-man show at the Red House Gallery in Syracuse, NY in August 2013.